Miller Enterprizes Chimera, Inc.
© 12/2017 Miller Enterprizes Chimera, Inc.

Tuesday January 26th

Today MEC was asked to join the team for the 60 th Pastoral Anniversary celebration for the Reverend Doctor – James L. Netters, Sr. One of the task was to see if we could find a version of His First sermon preached at the Mount Vernon Missionary Baptist Church now located in the Westwood area. The task is most difficult because the recording procedures were very antiquated in the begin or the church’s recording time. Also, the filing techniques had not been systemized to any degree that we could go directly to a source to find the recording that we are to be looking for. Thus, this is an awesome task that for the most part is close to impossible.

Tuesday May 3rd

Some people are intrigued by the idea of taking up scuba diving but might have questions or worries that stop them from taking the plunge. If this sounds like you, we are here to answer some of those questions and hopefully give you all the information you need before you learn to scuba dive.

Friday March 19th

Incididunt et, eiusmod do eiusmod nisi id est deserunt veniam.Non, magna nulla ad, veniam adipisicing dolor lorem cillum exercitation tempor incididunt nulla excepteur. Esse ut nostrud labore id ea minim veniam eu sed nulla laboris. Occaecat incididunt laboris nulla, ex ullamco duis eu ad enim eiusmod. Laboris dolore eu excepteur non enim labore. Cillum mollit, velit voluptate mollit. Tempor sit pariatur. In ut labore fugiat. Aute ea, minim in proident duis dolore aliquip ut est laborum culpa enim duis sed.
Miller Enterprizes Chimera, Inc.
© 12/2017 Miller Enterprizes Chimera, Inc.

Tuesday January 26th

Today MEC was asked to join the team for the 60 th Pastoral Anniversary celebration for the Reverend Doctor – James L. Netters, Sr. One of the task was to see if we could find a version of His First sermon preached at the Mount Vernon Missionary Baptist Church now located in the Westwood area. The task is most difficult because the recording procedures were very antiquated in the begin or the church’s recording time. Also, the filing techniques had not been systemized to any degree that we could go directly to a source to find the recording that we are to be looking for. Thus, this is an awesome task that for the most part is close to impossible.

Tuesday May 3rd

Some people are intrigued by the idea of taking up scuba diving but might have questions or worries that stop them from taking the plunge. If this sounds like you, we are here to answer some of those questions and hopefully give you all the information you need before you learn to scuba dive.

Friday March 19th

Incididunt et, eiusmod do eiusmod nisi id est deserunt veniam.Non, magna nulla ad, veniam adipisicing dolor lorem cillum exercitation tempor incididunt nulla excepteur. Esse ut nostrud labore id ea minim veniam eu sed nulla laboris. Occaecat incididunt laboris nulla, ex ullamco duis eu ad enim eiusmod. Laboris dolore eu excepteur non enim labore. Cillum mollit, velit voluptate mollit. Tempor sit pariatur. In ut labore fugiat. Aute ea, minim in proident duis dolore aliquip ut est laborum culpa enim duis sed.